Sunday, January 01, 2012

A Change of Season

A year has seasons, but so does life.  This shelf of fabric seems like a small thing, but it represents a change in my season of life.  A year ago  it was full of books, school books.  It's not as if we are suddenly short of books around here.  We have plenty I assure you.  It's just that these shelves used to hold our active curriculum.  With all of the kids in school for the foreseeable future my Latin and English grammar studies are pushed a bit to the side as I dive into learning about textiles and tailoring. 

I am not one that likes change.  I fight it until it knocks me over with it's inevitability.  God has his plans though and they are higher than mine.  So for this season lesson plans give way to stacks of fabric and patterns.  It is hard to let go and an exciting adventure all the same.

Yep, I got all of that from a shelf, go figure!

Happy New Year

May your new seasons be an adventure as well.

~ Christina 


Larry said...

Sweet thoughts... What a fun and exciting year ahead!

JSTA said...

Yay! A cheer for you! And yay for me! It's a new year and my blog is finally caught up. :-) I stayed up until 4 a.m., but I feel oh, so much better! Also,a quote for us both: ‎"A successful woman is one who can build with the bricks others have thrown at her." :-) Love you, Friend!