Friday, April 12, 2013

Let’s Help People!

Let’s Help People!
By: Abigail Henderson

  College is going to be amazing, astounding and most of all, awesome! Choosing a career is going to be fun. There are great things to do on campus. I can’t wait to meet new people and  do new things. Have you ever done an exciting experiment in the science lab? I want to!

  In college I plan on taking advantage of all the different learning environments. The first place is the library. I love books and you don’t see me very often without a book in my hands. The next one is the science lab. Meeting new scientists,doing hands on projects and doing experiments are things I am looking forward to. I like nature and it inspires me in my drawings so I want a college that has outdoor spaces. The last environment I want to use is the theater. I would like to help set up for plays.

  College I awesome because I will get to learn the skills of a career. I think a career should be fun and  interesting but also earn a good amount of money all at the same time. I am thinking of being a nurse, a veterinarian or an artist. In college I plan on trying to decide. I would like to be a nurse or a veterinarian because they help people.

  In college I will get to try new things, like new hobbies. I have a lot of interests right now and I would love to find more. Although I have some ideas, It would be great to discover other career options too. Because I am interested in new things, I want meet other people and see what hobbies they have. I might even do a semester abroad in Paris, France. It would be exciting.

  I am glad that in college I will find a career path, fresh Learning environments and meet new people. The most awesome thing about college is getting to choose a good career because I want to have fun and help people.    

1 comment:

Larry said...

Well put... Looks like you have plans for an exciting life!