Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Camping Lake Merwin

We've made two trips up to Lake Merwin during the last month, this last time weekend we were with the homeschool group from Salem. It's such a beautiful lake and we had a blast as usual - we didn't even get rained out this time!

A great bonus of camping at Lake Merwin is that some of our good friends live close by and were able to pop in for quite a few visits. They brought their ski boat one day and gave us all note-worthy tube rides.

Miriam with Asha

Can you guess what Miriam's favorite part of camping was?

Abigail and Taylor on the tube.

David just can't get enough of tubing!

The little ones.

An annual tradition at the homeschool campout is the bike parade, the kids love it!

Asha and her cool little purple trike.

We did enjoy a good amount of sailing. Here our sailboat is anchored outside the swim area. We had plenty of fun swimming back and forth to the boat, and doing big jumps off the deck, then going for a spirited sail when the wind picked up.

And a few shots from our trip three weeks earlier...


StringGirl said...

love the fun they are having. I love seeing the Joy of their faces.

Erica said...

Thank you foor this