Saturday, August 16, 2008

First Weekly Report of 2008-09!

Abigail and I started a partial school schedule this week.  I wanted to get her into a routine before adding in David and all of the things I need to do for him.  Second grade should be a fun year.  She is excited about doing Earth Science this year but after the relaxed way we have done school in the past, second grade has been a bit of a shock.  

We will start our formal study of Medieval times using My Father's World - Rome to the Renaissance when David starts school but for now we are reading about China in honor of the Olympic games.

She started cursive this year at her request and that is going well.  She was excited to write real words in cursive by the end of the week.  Math is just review right now but we will pick up new concepts in a couple of weeks.

We are looking forward to having a great time next week!

Here are our First day of School Pictures.

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